The Pittsfield Winter Carnival, under the auspices of the Pittsfield Department of Community Services, Parks and Recreation, presents…
Saturday Feb. 13, 1999
- ICE TRIALS - Sunday Feb. 14, 1999Sanctioned by the Mohawk Hudson Region of the Sports Car Club of America as a Rally Cross
on the frozen (12" minimum) surface of ONOTA LAKE, in PITTSFIELD Massachusetts
Runs start at 11:00 AM sharp! -- Be there early for drive around (9-10:30AM)
To be held on Onota Lake at the end of Lakeway Drive in Pittsfield Massachusetts. Registration & Headquarters at the Controy Pavilion on Lakeway Drive (click for a mapquest map)
That's right, it's another busy two-day, two events Ice Trials weekend. Classes for any type of 4 wheeled vehicle with any type of tires. Front engine Rear wheel drive, Front engine Front wheel drive, Rear engine Rear wheel drive, or Four-wheel drive. Whatever moves you. If you're in doubt, call me. Jeeps and dune buggies must have roll bars or hard tops. Open vehicles such as dune buggies must have a roll bar and may not carry a passenger on course. All classes are duplicated for studded snow tires (standard commercial studding). All vehicles MUST have and drivers MUST use SEATBELTS! Helmets are also required (per GCR's) and must have the proper SNELL 85+ certification. A small number of loaner helmets will be available.
While this event is designed for your everyday streetcar, a special class for modified vehicles also exists. This class is for any vehicle equipment such as ice racing vehicles, dune buggies, vehicles with locked differentials, and any vehicle with non-standard studs in the tires (such as longer than normal, more than normal or otherwise different than normal). Cars may be placed in this class at the decision of the event chairman or safety inspector. Go-carts, motorcycles and ATV's are NOT allowed to enter. Again, all vehicles Must have and drivers must use SEATBELTS and HELMETS!
The ICE TRIALS consists of a defined course on the surface of the frozen lake. The length of the course will be between 1 and 1.5 miles (depending on snow conditions) and cars will be a minimum of 1 minute apart to eliminate any risk of collision. The object of the event is to complete the course in the least amount of time. Runs will be timed to the nearest thousandth of a second. Penalties will be assessed (time added) for hitting course markers (pylons). Approximately one third of the entries in each vehicle class, as defined above, will be awarded trophies for their performance. A minimum of three (3) cars must enter any class for a trophy to be awarded in that class. Bring your friends to drive your car if it is an oddball. Special classes may be created if a large number of vehicles of any one type enter. This is at the discretion of the event chairmen.
REGISTRATION: Saturday and Sunday opens at 9:00 AM (or maybe earlier) (along with familiarization runs?) and continues throughout the event. Missed runs will not be made up. Timed runs will start at 11:00 AM each day. Cars run in numerical order. Entrants may enter more than one vehicle. The different vehicles may be in the same or different classes. It is the entrant's responsibility to have the cars ready to run in order. More than one driver may enter driving the same vehicle. Numbers for the same vehicle will be issued at least 4 apart to allow for driver changes. Event entry fee is $20.00 per day per entrant.
Event status? PLEASE call Clark's answering machine Friday and Saturday nights immediately prior to events the following day to check status of that day's event. Each day when I leave for the lake (~7AM) I will update the message. Please be aware that we may need to postpone the event, for whatever reason. If you are traveling any distance to this event, please call the answering machine for an update. I will most likely NOT be able to return messages due to a busy schedule. E-mailers: Please subscribe to the Ice-Trials mailer for up to the minute updates prior to the event. (send a message "subscribe ice-trials" to and read the instructions in the reply messages to authenticate your subscription!). Pictures from previous events.